An arbitrary number of SPARQL queries can be executed for exploiting the risk factors associations captured within CARRE. CARRE’s RESTFul API component has implemented a number of representative methods that allow developers with very little knowledge of the underlying scheme to efficiently make use of the repository’s data. These methods are presented below:
- instances – This method queries CARRE’s repository for all instances of a certain Class. It may take as input one of the pre-defined Classes: observable, clinical_observable, personal_observable, risk_element, biomedical_risk_element, behavioural_risk_element, genetic_risk_element, demographic_risk_element, risk_factor, risk_evidence, citation.
- riskEvidencePublications – This method takes as input the IRI of a CARRE risk evidence and returns all publications that are used to describe it. The available IRIs can be found using the previous method (/instances).
- PUBMedPublication – This method takes as input a PUBMed’s publication unique identifier and implements a remote query to linkedlifedata sparql endpoint26 to fetch all metadata concerning a PUBMed publication.
- UMLsCUI – Similarly to the previous method, this method takes as input a UMLs Concept Unique Identifier and connects to linkedlifedata endpoint to fetch all metadata of the UMLs entry.
Authors: George Gkotzis (OU), Allan Third (OU)
Date: 28 April 2015
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