CARRE functional units

Based on the contractual commitments, on the medical domain analysis and use cases as presented in Deliverable D.2.1, we have identified the following major functional CARRE components: Patient application: This application integrates patient related personal information and forwards this to the CARRE personal repository. The main types of information this application will integrate are the…

Risk factor semantic data entry system

The CARRE conceptual model of risk factors enables the clinical experts in the CARRE project to encode the risk associations between biological, demographic, lifestyle and environmental elements and clinical outcomes in accordance with evidence from the clinical literature. The CARRE system is based fundamentally on Linked Data principles, and so in order to make the…

Risk factor conceptual model

The core of CARRE functionality revolves around the concept of comorbidity, and in particular comorbidities in the case of cardiorenal syndrome. From the overview of the medical domain presented in the CARRE Deliverable D.2.1, it is evident that cardiorenal disease and comorbidities is a complex domain. Related conditions do not have a single cause, but…

Darius Jegelevicius

CARRE survey among healthcare professionals

A field survey was conducted to identify CARRE end-user expectations in order to give user feedback for the definition of CARRE use cases and functional requirements. The survey targeted healthcare professionals of all levels, including General Practitioners, Specialized Medical Doctors, Nurses in Units and Outpatients Clinics, etc. and key persons in organizations that provide managed…

CARRE survey among cardiorenal patients

A field survey was conducted to identify CARRE end-user expectations in order to give user feedback for the definition of CARRE use cases and functional requirements. The survey targeted all types of potential CARRE end users, namely: patients with cardio renal disease and with or at risk of comorbidities and/or their carers – responses from…

Youbing Zhao