CARRE Press Conference in Vilnius

During the period of 12-16th of September 2016 VULSK team and the consortium carried out a number of dissemination activities to widely spread the results of CARRE project. A press release on Baltic News Service was issued inviting journalists and representatives of major national TVs, radios and journals to press conference which was organized on…

CARRE Service Goes On-Line for Two Pilot Sites

CARRE service has been successfully deployed for pilot demonstration and evaluation in two different healthcare settings and nationalities, i.e. in the University Hospitals of VULSK (Lithuania) and DUTH (Greece). To account for legal, privacy and administration issues we deployed the CARRE service into two different exact copies, each copy installed in the facilities of each…

Visualizing HealthLines in CARRE

CARRE provides web-based components for interactive health data visualization and risk analysis, including dashboard for health information summary, Healthlines for fitness and biomarker data, and interactive risk evaluation diagram for risk monitoring and analysis. Fitness and medical measurement data are inherently time dependent. To visualise time-varying data, a linear form timeline is a natural choice…