CARRE Clinical Investigational Protocol

CARRE aims at researching and innovating towards a service environment for providing personalized empowerment and shared decision support services for cardiorenal disease comorbidities. CARRE evaluation during the final months of the project aims to assess the CARRE service along four different axes: the efficacy of CARRE service in increasing health literacy; the ability of the…

Risk Factor Repository and Management System

The core of CARRE functionality revolves around the concept of comorbidity, and in particular comorbidities in the case of cardiorenal syndrome. To enable the open and seamless use and reuse of these described medical risk factors, we have developed an on-line web based system for their description. Also, the resulting risk factor descriptions are available…

Tomas Smagurauskas

Djibril Kaba

Spiros Kavvadias

Tina Pouliliou

CARRE impact as an FP7 Project

Studies in the mid-1990s based upon firm-level data from thousands of companies suggest that there is a significant payoff from IT investments [1]. These results suggest that investing in IT is on average a positive return on investement (ROI) activity, but the benefits of IT investments are difficult to measure and risk factors can significantly…