Disease Progression Visual Analysis

The purpose of disease progression visual analysis is to visualize related risk factors according to the patient’s health and lifestyle status and to visualize the changes that may happen if the user changes the lifestyle or medical indicators. Disease progression visual analysis is an integrated visual analysis of charts, timeline and graph. It is composed…

CARRE project team participates in “KTU Technorama 2015”

“Technorama” is an exhibition / competition for young scientists organized yearly at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania. This year, “Technorama 2015” became an international event with the aim to bring together the best young scientists in Baltic region. Main organizers and executors of “Technorama 2015” were: KTU National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (NIVC); Agency…

CARRE Consortium Meeting in Luton

Last week CARRE consortium held its forth meeting in Luton, United Kingdom. The meeting was held in the campus of University of Bedfordshire. Two full days were devoted in discussing thoroughly the project progress and plans ahead. The major goal of the meeting was to discuss the results of 1st year review and address the…

CARRE services for Risk Factor associations

An arbitrary number of SPARQL queries can be executed for exploiting the risk factors associations captured within CARRE. CARRE’s RESTFul API component has implemented a number of representative methods that allow developers with very little knowledge of the underlying scheme to efficiently make use of the repository’s data. These methods are presented below: instances –…