What is CARRE Risk Model Semantic Data Entry System?

The Risk Model Semantic Data Entry system was initially developed in order to capture the risk associations identified in D.2.2. The Drupal content management system[1] has been customised to reflect the structure of the model presented here, so that observables, evidence sources, risk elements and associations can be entered via web forms, and automatically translated to RDF.




The Risk Model Semantic Data Entry system v1.0 is

available at http://carre.kmi.open.ac.uk

or can be accessed via:

Educational resource search and rate application:

visit at: http://edu.carre-project.eu

or at: https://www.carre-project.eu/innovation/educational-data-aggregator/

Educational Resource Aggregator is Open Source

Copyright © 2015, CARRE Project, The Open University (OU), UK



[1] http://www.drupal.org/