The core of CARRE functionality revolves around the concept of comorbidity, and in particular comorbidities in the case of cardiorenal syndrome. To enable the open and seamless use and reuse of these described medical risk factors, we have developed an on-line web based system for their description. Also, the resulting risk factor descriptions are available as Linked Data, in the Resource Description Framework (RDF) format, via an open access RDF repository. The system has been designed based on the concept of microservices architecture and is implemented in HTML5 and JavaScript using the AngularJS framework. The application follows a graph data model and the data scheme is described by the CARRE risk factor ontology.
The risk factor management system is available publicly at and also via the project web site. The landing page is the system dashboard which exhibits a summary of the system functionality and repository content. The CARRE elements menu directs the medical expert to a flexible and customizable browser of the risk factor database. The risk factor data can also be graphically explored via the Explore tab on the menu bar.
Registered (certified) medical experts can login and thus gain authentication to edit risk factor data. Once a user is logged in, the interface displays the edit option as an additional icon to left of the name of each element (risk factor, or risk evidence or observable or element) the and add new option as button on each element page. When edit option is selected, the detailed information of an element’s description turns into a dynamic editable form and the user can change data. For convenience, the respective PubMed abstract and link to citation is also displayed.
To support user friendly editing of the observable logical condition a special component has been developed (see figure). This allows the user to create graphically new blocks of observable conditions visually grouped between logical operators (OR, AND) and where needed nested.